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Meet Tammy, Our June Mama of the Month

Where are you from originally?

I was born in Staten Island, NY. Left in 1989, moved to Heightstown NJ, went to The Peddie School (near Princeton) for 8th-12th/High School 1989-1994. Then moved to Chapel Hill for UNC-CH for undergrad.

When did you join FIT4MOM?

I actually did stroller strides in SV after my first child was born 14 years ago, but stopped due to work. Then I joined when Amy started Fit 4 mom in BC. I loved the early 5:45 class because I could work out and then go to work. I had just had my 3rd kid and felt out of shape. I was turning 40 that year and wanted to look amazing in a swim suit in Vegas so I joined a body well session for 8 weeks and I got my body back! That was 9 years ago

What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM?

It gives me a safe space to take care of “me” in a judgement free zone surrounded by uplifting women who are not there to tear you down, but instead build you up. Working out is important to my mental health. I know I am a better mother (wife/friend) when I work out.

What do you currently do?

I am a pediatrician and owner of Sanford Pediatrics. I started there in 2007. I am also an adjective professor at UNC school of medicine and Campbell school of medicine. I have taught medical students in our clinics since 2007. I am a Board member of Lee County Partnership for Families and Children for past 10 years, I am also a Board member of the Chatham County Health Department for past 9 years, and I recently joined the Board of Directors for the Boys and Girls Club.

Share your thoughts on the concept of “it takes a village” – is it important for moms to join a village?

One thing I learned is that being a mother is hard! It’s the hardest thing I have ever done and I couldn’t do it alone. I am fortunate to have an amazing husband and family/friends near by.

My village keeps me sane!!

What is your favorite beverage?

Coffee and Red wine 50/50

What is your favorite dessert?

Ice cream

You are given 4 hours of FREE baby-sitting. What would you do?

Sleep, read , meet up with a friend or talk on phone with family/friends

What is your ultimate child-free vacation destination?

A remote beach with my Husband, but really anywhere. I love to travel to new places. We went to Jade Mountain for our 10th anniversary and that place was amazing! I’m planning to go to Bora Bora for our 20th, 2027!

How has becoming a mother changed you?

It has made me late to almost everything, lol. I used to always be early for everything. But now I realize that things are out of my control. Like when your baby has an explosion all over the car seat as you are leaving the house for an appointment or they throw up you as you pull into the airport heading on vacation!

Being a mom has taught me to be more patient and to appreciate the little things.

Life really goes by so fast and you can’t get back these moments, so I try to enjoy them and try to laugh.

I am happiest when...

I get to go on vacation with my family. We love to travel and it allows us to reconnect with each other by giving us time to talk and share without all the day to day stressful life distractions.