
Meet Erin, Our June Instructor of the Month

1. How did you first come to join Fit4Mom? Amy Rosso stalked my life in 2015 after I had my second child so I finally relented and went to Body Well! And I'm so glad I did!

2. How long have you been an instructor and what classes do you teach? I've been teaching since 2017. Though I've taught most classes we offer, I no longer have babies in strollers (sad face). I teach only Body Well now since that matches my phase of motherhood best.

3. What do you love the most about being part of the Fit4Mom Community: Oh man...I don't even know how to answer this! Fit4Mom brought me back to life after my second and continues to provide the support I need for each phase of motherhood that I've gone through.

4. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to check out our classes. Girl just come. Meet yourself where you're at in your journey. If you cant run, walk. If you can't walk, stroll. If you can't stroll, come to play group! You won't find a more supportive and understanding group of women!

5. What's your favorite Chapel Hill/Carrboro restaurant/eatery and what's your favorite thing to get there? Hmmm...the first thing that came to mind is IP3. It's my fav! But for a date night, I'd go to BlueBird in Meadowmont. You can't go wrong with a glass of picpul (my fav white wine) and their fries :)

6. Would you prefer a relaxing vacation or an action packed vacation? Put me on a beach with a book and leave me alone :)

7. I'm happiest when... See answer to #6 LOL

8. One more interesting fact we don't know about you. I met my husband in 5th grade where he was my "boyfriend". He was also my senior prom date and yes, we have the picture in our house!