1. How did you first come to join Fit4Mom?
Moved closer to chapel hill and my son had dropped down to one nap. I was looking for fun things for us to do together during his longer wake windows. As a fitness junkie it seemed like a perfect fit and just what I was looking for.
2. How long / what classes do you teach?
I have taught for roughly a year. I teach Fit4baby, stroller strides and my favorite strides 360!
3. What do you love the most about being part of the Fit4Mom Community?
The community. Every single mom has an idea of what you’re going through or is there right now. They can commiserate, offer suggestions, be a shoulder to cry on or the encouragement you need. Everyone is like a family, everyone is just so kind and supportive.
4. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to check out our classes?
I mean why not? Why do you have to lose?
5. Describe yourself in three words.
Thoughtful, kind, overstimulated 📷
6. Biggest "guilty pleasure"?
McDonald’s cheeseburger
7. I'm happiest when...
I am playing chase with my kiddos or cooking/baking
8. One more interesting fact we don't know about you.
I secretly love fishing, even though I mostly catch trees.